Once your site is set up or updated, the hard work really begins. You have to market your online shop in order to attract visitors and generate sales leads. This kind of work can be grueling, take hours on end, and involve many varying strategies depending on your business. We know because if you are reading our site, our marketing efforts worked.Our highly trained and certified experts in digital marketing will take this daunting task off your hands so you can focus on making your customer service and products or services the best they can be.
When you use us for your digital marketing, we start by doing a comprehensive evaluation of your site.
Believe it or not, some of the more important aspects of digital marketing start right in your shop. If we did not create your online store, then we will examine your store and business model to tailor a plan just for your needs. We do not try one size fit all solutions because we know not every online store is the same. We will discuss our plan with you, including the methods we use, how long it will take, and realistic expectations for when to start seeing results. In addition, we will discuss how we can support your site as it grows due to our marketing efforts.
Digital marketing is a very unique animal. It is not as simple as buying radio or TV space for commercials or putting flyers on doors as you would do with offline marketing. Online marketing is all about going where your clients are and showing them how your shop adds value to their lives. We accomplish this through a variety of tried and true methods along with some smaller and more aggressive ones. Again, what exactly we decide to use depends on your needs.
Some strategies we use include marketing your website through social and other channels where your customers are. We also create alternate web pages that direct consumers to your site, create branches of your site, and use optimized web content posted where your customers look for news. We go to great lengths to ensure our digital marketing is both targeted and has a high sales conversion rate. Whether you have a small following or need to start building a mailing list and generate leads from scratch, let our digital marketing team work for you.
We market digitally using some of the following methods:

Identifying online target audience

Optimize your site for SEO

Social media ad campaigns

Content marketing

Creating landing pages